Custom Domains

Updated on 27th Jul, 2024

A step by step guide on how you can add your custom domain to your Doras profile

To point your domain, you must first have a domain. We do not sell domains, so you must already have one from a domain/DNS provider.

Add your domain on Doras

Head over to "Your Profile" on your account settings, or "Brand Profile" on a brand account and look for Custom Domain. Enter in your domain of choice, be it a domain like or a subdomain like

Point your DNS (CNAME)

We recommend using a CNAME to point to us. If you're having problems, go to the below step.

TypeValuePoints To
  • Replace @ with your subdomain if you're using one. Use @ if you're pointing your "root" domain
  • Replace with your username like

Point your DNS (A Record)

If you couldn't use a CNAME, you can point an A record instead.

TypeValuePoints To/IP
  • Replace @ with your subdomain if you're using one. Use @ if you're pointing your "root" domain

This method is not prefered as if we ever leave our DNS provider, you will need to update this IP

DNS changes can take up to 24 hours to propagate.

We recommend looking at this tool to check your propagation status.


If it's been over 24 hours, please reach out  to us in Discord